Association of Supervisors of Banks of the Americas logo




The purpose of this report is to provide supervisors and regulators insight on the events and factors that might affect financial stability in the Americas, as well as contributing to identifying areas of opportunity in the implementation of international standards, and assessing financial stability indicators.

Basel III requirements, when appropriate for markets, transparency, and market discipline represent clear areas of opportunity for most countries and must be addressed to ensure the soundness of the financial system and fostering confidence in financial institutions. Authorities must have to bear in mind that adoption and implementation of international standards may not be sufficient without an appropriate risk-based supervisory framework.

The region seems resilient at the macro level, but with political transitions in the upcoming years. Nevertheless, specific issues that should be tackled to support stable financial markets arise at the sub regional levels. A bottom-up approach seems adequate to assess further the financial stability in the region and to deal with sub regional challenges.

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