Contribute to the strengthening of banking regulation and supervision and the stability of the financial system in the Region by promoting the implementation of practices aligned with internationally recognized standards, using mechanisms for analysis, cooperation, training and dialogue.
To be the leading organization for the coordination and training in matters of banking supervision and regulation in the Americas.
Contribute to strengthening and keeping up to date the most relevant banks’ regulation and supervision risk management practices providing training and other programs to Members in accordance with international best practices and standards and taking into account the particular situation of each of the countries of the region; Strengthen the relationships and cooperation between the Members, as well as with regional and international organizations and institutions of strategic interest to the Association and its Members; To be the reference organization in the region for the dissemination, analysis and coordination of research and analysis groups on issues of banking supervision and regulation; Promote the continuous improvement of the internal processes of the Association.
Governing Structure
The General Assembly is the supreme authority of the Association and is integrated by all Associate Members. The Assembly will be summoned at least once a year, but can be summoned by the Board on a more frequent basis and if deemed as necessary.
The General Assembly will be summoned, for legal purposes, in the place and venue determined by the Board, communicating this decision to all Associate Members in advance and in a written manner. The General Assembly will be chaired by the President of the Association and, in its absentia, by the Vice-President of the Association.
Powers granted to the Assembly, are the following:
- To approve or modify the bylaws of the Association;
- To determine the amount and payment way of all contributions and fees charged to its Associate Members and Collaborators;
- To determine about the possibility of admitting any new Associate Member;
- To elect the President and Vice-President of the Board;
- To be informed about the reports, deliberations and resolutions undertaken by both the Board and the General Secretariat regarding all activities, programs and budget concerning the Association;
- To approve all annual, audited financial statements in the terms previously agreed for these purposes, as well as to approve the Annual Report submitted by the Board. The General Assembly will also have powers to require auditors working for the Association to produce any kind of information, at any time, related to aspects of importance for the Association.
- Any other that could be derived from the application of the present by laws.
The Board has been granted with the most ample powers, as envisaged in the corresponding laws and regulations, without any limitation, being those powers exerted in a joint manner with the General Secretariat.
Powers granted to the Board, are the following:
- To approve and verify compliance with institutional policies and guidelines in order to ensure the adequate implementation of all programs and projects;
- To design both the annual working plan and the budget plan, as well as to submit them to the General Assembly for their approval;
- To appoint the Secretary General;
- To propose before the Assembly, and approve in any case, every new application for membership;
- To discuss and approve any new application for membership coming from other organizations and in order to be admitted as Collaborator;
- To appoint a well-recognized auditing firm to undertake audit activities and whose line of reporting will be towards the Assembly or a designated and;
- To undertake any necessary measure deemed to be in the best interest and convenience for the adequate performance of the Association.
As a matter of fact, all representatives belonging to each Regional Group will be granted with powers to elect, during an ex profeso session, a Director, for a time span of two years; the above, exception made for the Non-Regional Group, who will be eligible to appoint a Director only in those cases in which such a group has at least a number of three members. Elections for Directors will be undertaken every two years on an alternate basis, being the directorships for the Caribbean Group and the Central America Group electable in years with an odd termination and the directorships for North America, Southern Group and the Andean Region electable in the immediate subsequent year.
- Chairman Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores, Mexico. Jesús de la Fuente Rodríguez President
- Vice Chairman Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP, Perú. Jorge Mogrovejo González Deputy Superintendent of Banking and Microfinance
- Director for the Caribbean Region Antigua & Barbuda Financial Services Commission.Paul A. AsheChief Regulatory Officer
- Director for the Central American Region Superintendencia General de Entidades Financiera, Costa Rica. Rocío Aguilar Montoya Superintendente
- Director for the Southern Cone Region Banco Central del Paraguay, Paraguay. Holger Aníbal Insfrán Ibarrola Superintendent
- Director for the North American Region Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, United States. Anthony D. Sinopole Director of International Affairs
- Director for the Andean Region Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia, Colombia.César Ferrari Superintendente Financiero
The Secretary General will be granted with the following powers and functions:
- To prepare, at the end of every period, the Final Report, that will be submitted to the Board;
- To prepare, on an annual basis, a working plan proposal and a budget proposal, to be submitted to the Board for approval;
- To implement and manage an annual working plan as well as the Association´s budget proposal, with strict adherence to the internal procedures and guidelines envisaged for these purposes and as approved by the Board;
- To appoint and remove all personnel conforming the General Secretariat, and other personnel under its direct reporting line, according to the policies envisaged by the Board;
- To select and hire any kind of external service in order to comply with the functions that the General Secretariat has been endowed with, all of the above within the previously authorized limits established by the Assembly and the Board;
- To maintain, in an orderly and transparent manner, all archives and institutional information, according to the policies approved for these purposes;
- To collaborate with the general Assembly as well as with the Board when implementing all previously approved programs and projects;
- To ensure absolute compliance to what is envisaged in the applicable legislation affecting the Association.
- Secretary General Pascual O’Dogherty
- Programs and Projects Adrián Acosta Nancy Vallejo
- Research and CommunicationMaría José Baqueiro
- Administration and Finance Maricarmen Morales Rubén Torres María Segura
- Information Systems Verónica Fuentes
- ASBA Central Georgina Olivares
Executive Committee:
President: Jorge Mogrovejo González, Deputy Superintendent of Banking and Microfinance of the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP of Peru.
Technical Committee:
President: Luis Figueroa de la Barra, General Director of Prudential Regulation of the Financial Market Commission of Chile.
Participate: Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, Spain, United States (FED).
Training Committee:
President: Belline Santana, Head of the Banking Supervision Department of the Central Bank of Brazil.
Participate: Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, Spain, United States (FDIC, FED), Uruguay.
Audit Committee:
President: Wendy Okada, Intendent of the Department of Supervision Methodologies of the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP of Peru.
Participate: Mexico, United States (OCC).
Associated Members and Collaborators
The Association will have two categories for its membership: i) Associate Members; and ii) Collaborators. There will be considered as potential Associate Members, the following authorities and institutions:
- Authorities devoted to regulation and supervision of banking institutions throughout the Americas. These authorities need to apply for its membership in a written manner, being the final approval granted by the Assembly;
- Institutions with a regional, significant, banking supervision responsibility, such as supervisors from the countries of origin of internationally active banks operating in the region of the Americas. These institutions need to explicitly ask for a petition to become a Non-regional Associate Member, in a written manner and with the prior approval of the Assembly and after a five year period of membership in ASBA as Collaborators; approval will be granted by the Assembly, considering, among other things, how active has been the participation of the Collaborator in the activities of the Association.
- All those institutions with a proven capacity to offer assistance to ASBA will be considered as Collaborators. Collaborators will be endowed with the same rights as those of Associate Members with the exception of voting rights and being electable to become either President, Vice-president or Secretary General of the Association.
Associate Members or Collaborators will be represented before ASBA by their most important officer in charge of banking regulation and supervision duties in their countries, or by any other person appointed by such an officer.
Associated Members
Financial Services Regulatory Commission https://www.fsrc.gov.ag/ Paul A. Ashe Chief Regulatory Officer Antigua & Barbuda | Banco Central de la República Argentina http://www.bcra.gov.ar/ Juan Ernesto Curutchet Superintendente de Entidades Financieras y Cambiarias Argentina | Centrale Bank van Aruba http://www.cbaruba.org/cba/home.do Prakash Mungra Executive Director Aruba | Central Bank of the Bahamas http://www.centralbankbahamas.com/ Karen Rolle Inspector of Banks & Trust Companies Bahamas |
Central Bank of Barbados http://www.centralbank.org.bb/ Cheryl Greenidge Acting Director of the Bank Supervision Department Barbados | Central Bank of Belize https://www.centralbank.org.bz/Kareem Michael Governor Belize | Autoridad de Supervisión del Sistema Financiero https://www.asfi.gob.bo/ Ivette Espinoza Vasquez Directora General Ejecutivo a. i. (interino) Bolivia | Banco Central do Brasil http://www.bcb.gov.br/Ailton De Aquino Santos Subgobernador para Supervisión Brasil |
Financial Services Commission http://www.bvifsc.vg/ Kenneth B. Baker Deputy Managing Director, Regulation British Virgin Islands | Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions https://www.osfi-bsif.gc.ca/ Peter Routledge Superintendent Canada | Cayman Islands, Monetary Authority http://www.cimoney.com.ky/ Anna C. McLean Deputy Managing Director Cayman Islands | Comisión para el Mercado Financiero www.cmfchile.cl Bernardita Piedrabuena ComisionadoChile |
Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia https://www.superfinanciera.gov.co/César Ferrari Superintendente Financiero Colombia | Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras https://www.sugef.fi.cr/ Rocío Aguilar Montoya Superintendente Costa Rica | Banco Central de Cuba http://www.bc.gob.cu/ Irma Margarita Martínez Castrillón Superintendente Cuba | Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten http://centralbank.cw/ Richard A. Doornbosch President Curaçao |
Superintendencia de Bancos del Ecuador http://www.superbancos.gob.ec/ Antonieta Guadalupe Cabezas Superintendente Subrogante Ecuador | Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero http://www.ssf.gob.sv/ Evelyn Marisol Gracias Superintendenta El Salvador | Banco de España http://www.bde.es/José Antonio Gracia Saz Director del Departamento de Entidades Significativas I España | Superintendencia de Bancos http://www.sib.gob.gt/ Saulo De León Durán Superintendente de Bancos Guatemala |
Bank of Guyana https://www.bankofguyana.org.gy/ Ramnarine Lal Director, Banking Supervision Guyana | Banque de la République d' Haïti https://www.brh.ht/ Ronald Gabriel Governor Haïtí | Comisión Nacional de Bancos y Seguros http://www.cnbs.gob.hn/ Marcio Geovanny Sierra Discua Presidente Honduras | Bank of Jamaica http://www.boj.org.jm/ Jide Lewis Deputy Governor & Deputy Supervisor of Banks, Financial Holding Companies Jamaica |
Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores http://www.gob.mx/cnbv Jesús de la Fuente Rodríguez Presidente México | Superintendencia de Bancos y de Otras Instituciones Financieras de Nicaragua http://www.siboif.gob.ni/ Luis Ángel Montenegro Espinoza Superintendente Nicaragua | Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) http://www.eccb-centralbank.org/ Timothy N. J. Antoine Governor Organization of Eastern Caribbean States | Superintendencia de Bancos de Panamá https://www.superbancos.gob.pa/ Amauri A. Castillo Superintendente de Bancos Panamá |
Banco Central del Paraguay https://www.bcp.gov.py/ Holger Aníbal Insfrán Ibarrola Superintendente de Bancos Paraguay | Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP http://www.sbs.gob.pe/ Jorge Mogrovejo González Superintendente Adjunto de Banca y Microfinanzas Perú | Superintendencia de Bancos de República Dominicana http://www.sb.gob.do/ Alejandro Fernández Whipple Superintendente República Dominicana | Central Bank van Suriname https://www.cbvs.sr/ Maurice L. Roemer Governor Suriname |
Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago http://www.central-bank.org.tt/ Patrick Solomon Inspector of Financial Institutions Trinidad and Tobago | Turks & Caicos Islands Financial Services Commission http://tcifsc.tc/ Prudence Edwards Director Turks & Caicos | Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System https://www.federalreserve.gov/ Richard Naylor Associate Director, Supervision & Regulation Division United States | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation https://www.fdic.gov/ Anthony D. Sinopole Director of International Affairs United States |
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency https://www.occ.treas.gov/ Erik Van Zandt Director for International Banking Supervision United States | Banco Central del Uruguay http://www.bcu.gub.uy/ Juan Pedro Cantera Sención Superintendente de Servicios Financieros Uruguay | Superintendencia de las Instituciones del Sector Bancario de Venezuela https://sudeban.gob.ve/ Anabel Pereira Fernández Superintendenta de las Instituciones del Sector Bancario Venezuela |
Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador http://www.bcr.gob.sv/ Douglas Pablo Rodriguez Fuentes Presidente El Salvador | Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros http://www.gob.mx/condusef Oscar Rosado Jiménez Presidente Mexico | Comisión Nacional de Microfinanzas http://www.conami.gob.ni/ Jim del Socorro Madriz López Presidente Ejecutiva Nicaragua |